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A Key(s) Path 13 Dec 2020 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 138 لغز, لاعب واحد, أفخاخ, منصات, تحريك جانبي, قفز, مكعبات, ويب جي إل, بيكسل

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وصف اللعبة:

A Key(s) Path is a challenging platform adventure game in a unique world. You will have to use blocks of movement keys in order to conquer obstacles. With your 3 movement key blocks and those are: Left, Right, Jump which is available at the bottom of the screen, you can drag them in the world to use them as platforms. But don't use too many, or you could be restricted in movement. As soon as one is place one, you can't use it for movement. It will be locked until you retrieve the key from the world. Find your way our and watch out for traps. Have fun and enjoy playing it here at Y8.com!

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