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Beach City Turbo Volleyball 18 Mar 2020 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 364 لاعبان, لاعب واحد, كرة, مهارات استخدام الفأرة, الكرة الطائرة, إتش تي إم إل 5, كارتون

التحقق البشري

شكرًا لك, تم تسجيل تصويتك وسيظهر قريبًا.
يمكنك التصويت مرة واحدة في اليوم
!عذراً، لقد صوت عدة مرات اليوم
.عذراً، حدث خطأ غير متوقع. يرجي التصويت مجددًا في وقت لاحق
التصويت: هل أعجبتك هذه اللعبة؟

وصف اللعبة:

For those who do not know how to play volleyball, you will see that Steven Universe will be by your side at each step in order to be fast and accurate with each one of your shots. Because it's a sport and it's needed two different teams for a match, you will be playing Steven Universe team vs OK KO Lakewood Plaza team, and you will have to make sure that in the shortest time, you will be able to gain points and see how much fun you can have with all of your friends. This is going to be a classic volleyball game, and if you do not know the rules, stay tuned, but if you do, continue reading.
Know that you can play by yourself, or against another player in the 2P mode, as you start out by choosing one of the two options.

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