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Black And White Insta Divas 21 Sep 2021 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 365 لاعب واحد, فتاة, ارتداء الملابس, أندرويد, إتش تي إم إل 5, تغيير شامل/ مكياج, موبايل, آيفون, آيباد, شاشة اللمس, Bitent

التحقق البشري

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وصف اللعبة:

Wearing black and white head-to-toe has become a real trend nowadays. Whether it's a white outfit with black accessories, or a white top paired with this season's must-have noir trouser or graphic stripes, it's hard to mess up this timeless color combination. All those fashion magazines you read in high school were right, a little black dress really is your safest bet. As we are used to, these cool influencers have decided to adapt a style based only on black and white. The thousands of virtual followers are looking forward to seeing the new outfits. Play this dress-up game and let your imagination run wild by creating black and white outfits worthy of fashion magazines. Enjoy playing this cute girl game here at Y8.com!

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