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Design my Festive Winter 08 Jan 2020 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 410 لاعب واحد, مهارات استخدام الفأرة, فتاة, ارتداء الملابس, أندرويد, إتش تي إم إل 5, تغيير شامل/ مكياج, موبايل, آيفون, آيباد, شاشة اللمس, Bitent

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وصف اللعبة:

The princesses are very busy with the preparations for the festive Christmas dinner, which they are throwing for their friends. They have been cooking, decorating, setting the table and making sure everything looks perfect. The girls forgot to prepare just one thing, their dinner party outfits! As the time is running out, you need to dress them up and create their makeup. Have fun!

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