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Galactic Forces 18 Dec 2018 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 324 متعددة اللاعبين, فضاء, شراء تحديث المعدات, قناص, قتل, تبادل إطلاق النار, ثلاثي الأبعاد, صاروخ, مسدس, حساب Y8, ويب جي إل, أعلى نتائج Y8

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وصف اللعبة:

Are you ready to show that you are indeed the best shooter in the galaxy? Galactic Force is here to test all your capabilities and take your attacks to the next level. If you always wanted to enjoy an extraordinary, action packed game experience in outer space, Galactic Force is here to offer that right away!

You have 3 classes to choose from, Scout, Tank and Fighter. Each one of them has its own set of benefits and features. Fighters can regenerate their health, Tanks have a dedicated shield and Scouts can easily slide around when needed. That makes the experience quite intense and challenging all the time. But then again, it’s the intensity of each match and the unique capabilities that help make Galactic Force such an intense and unique game.

If you always loved action packed space shooters, don’t hesitate to check out Galactic Force. This is a very interesting, intense and fun game you will play very often.

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