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Get Ready With Me House Cleaning 21 Mar 2021 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 1,112 لاعب واحد, فتاة, ارتداء الملابس, منزل, أندرويد, إتش تي إم إل 5, موبايل, آيفون, آيباد, شاشة اللمس, Bitent, التنظيف

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وصف اللعبة:

Taking care of the cleanliness of your home is very important. Are you ready to take house chores and clean the house? Cleaning is very important in life whether it is a bathroom, kitchen or bedroom, everything must be clean and in place. This girl needs your help to turn her house into a clean and tidy place. After cleaning, choose cute outfit and make this cute girl strike a pose in the already sparkling clean rooms! Have fun playing this game here at Y8.com!

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