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Gold Crane Truck 17 May 2024 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 0 لاعب واحد, مهارات استخدام الفأرة, ألغام, أندرويد, إتش تي إم إل 5, موبايل, آيفون, آيباد, شاشة اللمس, ضغط

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وصف اللعبة:

Want to get rich, get ready for the hard work. In the game Gold Crane Truck we will make it easier for you physically, but we will complicate it in a different sense. To pass the level, you need to collect a certain amount of points for a limited period of time. Try to get large pieces of gold in order to get the required amount as soon as possible. Hitting the hook bones, barrels, stones only take away your precious time, and points will bring a minimum. Earned money can be spent on items that will increase the efficiency of work. Go to the store and choose. Enjoy playing this mining game here at Y8.com!

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