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Real Pizza Cooking 08 Jul 2021 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 299 لاعب واحد, مهارات استخدام الفأرة, فتاة, طعام, طهي, أندرويد, إتش تي إم إل 5, موبايل, آيفون, آيباد, شاشة اللمس, Bitent

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وصف اللعبة:

Cooking your favorite pizzas is a challenge we've all been through. Starting with the preparation of the dough, with its stretching we must always be to make the pizza perfect. Red sauce is an essential and typical Italian element so don't rush when preparing it. Next, cut the vegetables and choose the ingredients carefully. Cheeses like mozzarella and parmesan, spicy salami, ham and mushrooms are just some of the basic ingredients of a successful pizza! The oven is preheated to the right temperature and the pizza will turn into a crispy delicacy in minutes. Cutting the pizza is done with care! All we can say is: bon appétit!

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