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SteppenWolf (Chapter 4 - Episode 2) (1.61 MB) 08 Jan 2007 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 6,534 لغز, لاعب واحد, فلاش, خيال تفاعلي

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وصف اللعبة:

In Norway, SteppenWolf must find professor Olaf Hargvor, the inventor of a deep water device that can reach the mythical Kraken. But first, he must defeat the Dagger League, a green extremist group that has the Professor in captivity.

مفاتيح التحكم في اللعبة

Arrow keys to walk
Shift to run
Ctrl to short jump
Shift + Ctrl to long jump
Space for action keys
T to toggle the selected items
I to open inventory

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هذه اللعبة جزء من سلسلة :SteppenWolf: The X-Creatures Project

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