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The House Of Evil Granny 26 Jun 2020 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 798 لاعب واحد, هروب, زومبي, قتل, ثلاثي الأبعاد, رعب, يونيتي 3d, ويب جي إل, رعب البقاء

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وصف اللعبة:

You find yourself waking up in a room. You have been locked up in an old, decrepit house by Granny, a crazy old woman who hunts her prey with a bloodied baseball bat. Explore and find items and tools to open the various locks Granny keeps on her front door, all while outrunning her pursuit. In Your mission to unlock the front door, you must find hammer, that is also a weapon that can knock Granny out for a 15 seconds, battery and main door key.

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